July 25, 2009

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Perpetual Help is one of my devotion as Catholic and a as devotee to the Blessed Mother. Our Lady of Perpetual Help is a widely venerated.
In the Philippines the shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is located in Baclaran City of Paranaque. The National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is filled of thousand devotees every Wednesday who pray for special intention and keeping their faith warm.
The Redemtorist Fathers introduced Our Lady of the Perpetual Help and now became the most well known devotion for the Filipinos.
Every Wednesday, numerous petition and thanksgiving letter are read from the pulpit from Filipinos worldwide for the intentions of Perpetual Help. Novena every Wednesday is strictly observed and followed in the majority of the Catholic churches in the Philippines, using the novena booklet initially published by the Redemtorist Fathers.
Even now I'm still a faithful devotee of this picture by the Blessed Mother, giving thanks to all the blessing I received. The image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help strengthen my faith as a Catholic Christian. This devotion of mine only shows that the Blessed Virgin was always intercedes with the glory of God.

July 22, 2009

Brown Scapulars

The Brown Scapular is one of the tradition and sign of my faith I learn since I was young. I wore it everyday but I don't even known why lots of Catholics wearing this.Want to know why?

The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is one of the tradition of the Catholic church centuries ago. This became a devotion of the Carmelites Order as external sign of love for Mary showing love and trust to her and committed encourage the lay people to emerge with them in associations such as confraternity and solidarities. As a sign of affiliation and of participation in their objective and spirit of apostolate they often give them a part of their habit such as a cloak,a cord or a scapular.

The Blessed Virgin teaches us to be open to God and his will,listen to the Word of God to believe in it and put in into our life practice.

The Scapular finds its roots in the tradition of the Order, which has seen in it a sign of Mary’s motherly protection. It has therefore, a centuries old spiritual meaning approved by Church.

Wearing the scapular symbolized that we commit our self to follow Jesus,like Mary as a perfect model of our faith.
It remind us of the example of the saints of Carmel,with whom we establish a close bond as brothers and sister to one another. It express our our faith and belief that we will be in God in eternal life with the intercession and prayers of the Blessed Virgin.

Short form of giving the scapular

Receive this Scapular, a sign of your special relationship with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, whom you pledge to imitate. May it be a reminder to you of your dignity as a Christian in serving others and imitating Mary. Wear it as a sign of her protection and of belonging to the family of Carmel, voluntarily doing the will of God and devoting yourself to building a world true to his plan of community, justice and peace.

The Carmelite Scapular is not:

  • a magical charm to protect you

  • an automatic guarantee of salvation

  • an excuse for not living up to the demands of the Christian life

It is a sign:

  • which has been approved by the Church for over seven centuries;

  • which stands for the decision to

    • follow Jesus like Mary:

    • be open to God and to his will

    • be guided by faith, hope, and love

    • to pray at all times

    • to discover God present in all that happens around us.
Until now I still wearing my scapular and still believe that this will express my faith and devotion to the Blessed Mary as her servant.

July 20, 2009

The Divine Mercy Prayer (3'o clock Habit)

A simple and short prayer yet very meaningful. The Divine Mercy prayer is also known as 3'o clock prayer remembering the hour of death of our Lord.

The message of mercy is that God loves us — all of us —no matter how great our sins. He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. It is a message we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC.

A — Ask for His Mercy. God wants us to approach
Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and
asking Him to pour His mercy out upon us and upon
the whole world.

B — Be merciful. God wants us to receive His mercy
and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to
extend love and forgiveness to others just as He does
to us.

C — Completely trust in Jesus. God wants us to know
that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our
trust. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will

" You died, Jesus, but the source of life flowed out for soul and the ocean of Mercy opened up for the whole world. Oh fountain of Life immesurable Divine Mercy,cover the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.

"O Blood and Water which flowed out from the heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You!

" Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One Have Mercy on us an the whole world." Amen (3 x)

Jesus King of Mercy I trust in you!

The message and Devotion to Jesus as Divine Mercy Prayer was based on the writing of Sis. Faustina Kowalska a polish nun who is very obedience to her spiritual director,
wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God’s mercy. Even before her death in 1938, the devotion to The Divine Mercy had begun to spread.

Presently the Divine Mercy Prayer is one of the most popular devotion for Catholics. A minute of prayer that will show our love to our savior. Let us pray Divine Mercy Prayer every 3'o clock in the afternoon as we remember the great salvation of our Lord.

Always pray for the peace of the whole world.

July 19, 2009

Virgin Mary

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Blessed Virgin was one of the popular devotion by the Catholic. Virgin Most pure, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary are some of the title given to her by the Catholic church . Some name was given to her came from the apparition which approved by the Catholic. She was known as the modern Eve in the New testament contradict to the Eve of Old Testament.
Virgin Mary (Aramaic, Hebrew: Maryām Miriam Arabic:Maryam), usually referred to by Christians as the Virgin Mary or Saint Mary , was a Jewish woman of Nazareth in Galilee, identified in the New Testament as the mother of Jesus of Nazareth. Muslims also refer to her as the Virgin Mary or Syeda Mariam which means Our Lady Mary. In Islam she is the mother of the Prophet Jesus, Issa, in the Arabic language. The New Testament describes her as a virgin (Greek parthénos)[3]. Christians and Muslims believe that she conceived her son miraculously by the agency of the Holy Spirit. This took place when she was already the betrothed wife of Saint Joseph and was awaiting the concluding rite of Jewish marriage, the formal home-taking ceremony. Mary is also described in the Qur'an, the 19th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an Sura Maryam (Arabic:, Sūratu Maryam. It is named after Maryām, the Semitic name for Mary, Mother of Jesus (Issa)

If the admiration of the Blessed Virgin Mary becomes anything more than using her as a model of faith in God the Father, Roman Catholics delve into dangerous theological territory. The tendency to elevate her to a position of divine status is alarming. Mary can be a model (like Paul or Peter) for our faith, but she is not divine nor is she able to provide for our salvation. Jesus Christ alone is God and is the only person capable of enabling the salvation of all mankind. The Word of God is explicit on this subject.
A number of important doctrines concerning Mary are held by Christian churches. Primary among these are that Mary lived a sinless life, and that as mother of Jesus, she became Theotokos, literally the "God-bearer", or "Mother of God". This doctrine was confirmed by the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in the year 431. Christians of the major ancient traditions including the Catholic and the Orthodox offer prayers to God through Mary and venerate her as intercessor and mother of the church. Mary is also honoured in Islam as the virgin mother of Jesus. In Jewish Toledot Yeshu Jesus was recorded as the son of Mary and Joseph ben Pantera.

July 15, 2009

Legion of Mary

The Tessera ( Given only to the members of the legion of Mary)

The altar Set-Up ( This is the stardard set-up of the Legion of mary in the meeting)

Vexillum ( Standard of the Legion)

I've been a member of this organization since I was 11 years old until now I am an active member of this organization and made me devoted to the blessed Mother and continue serving other and dedicate my life to the Lord thru Mother Mary.
So you want to know more about Legion of Mary? here are some frequently question ask about legion of Mary.....
Q: What works does the Legion of Mary undertake?
A: Regular works for the Legion of Mary include door to door evangelization, nursing home visitation, prison ministry, teaching RCIA and other religious education classes, visiting new parishioners and parish families with newly baptized babies, crowd contact and distributing Catholic literature, bringing the Pilgrim Virgin statue of the Blessed Mother to houses to consecrate them, and Enthronements of homes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Legion also periodically organizes events for Legion work, such a Peregrination Pro Christo, which is typically a one or two week Mission trip by legionaries from several parishes to another state or even to another country. Another type of event is a Parish Evangelization Project, which is a one or two event by legionaries from several parishes to evangelize a nearby parish. The Legion also staffs a booth at county fairs to answer questions from people who may want to know more about the Catholic faith. All Legion works are approved by parish pastor or spiritual director and in all of its works, the Legion works in obedience to the bishops and the parish priests. Works are typically done in pairs so that legionaries can learn from each other and encourage each other in service to Our Lord.
Q: What is the purpose of the Legion of Mary?
A: The primary purpose of the Legion of Mary is to lead people to Jesus Christ so they can benefit from the love and mercy of God. Specifically, the Legion of Mary seeks to lead the people we encounter in our works to a greater knowledge and faith in God and to increase the faith and holiness of our own members through prayer and service to Our Lord.
Q: I would like to join the Legion of Mary. How can I find out if there is a praesidium (Legion group) near me?
A: you can as your parish for the Legion of Mary. This is a worldwide organization, in every country in the world we have a commitium and Curia presided by the Legion of Mary officers. You can also check this site http://www.legionofmary.org/ for more detail.
Q: Who is eligible to join the Legion of Mary?
A: The Legion of Mary is open to all Catholics in good standing with a desire to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of his Blessed Mother Mary. Catholics 18 years of age or older can join adult praesidia whereas Catholics younger than 18 years of age can join junior Legion of Mary praesidia. Catholics who are interested in joining the Legion will start with a three or six month probationary period before taking their Legionary Promise to become Legion members.
Q: What different types of Legion membership exist?
A: The two primary classes of Legion membership are active members and auxiliary members. Active members attend a Legion meeting once a week and perform works of service (typically about 2 hours a week). Auxiliary members instead pray the rosary and the prayers of the Legion of Mary (the Tessera) for the intentions of the Blessed Mother and bolster the efforts of the active members through their prayers. Higher grades of membership include praetorians, who are active members who also pray the Tessera daily, attend Mass daily, and daily recite an Office approved by the Church, and adjutorians, who are auxiliary members who attend Mass daily and daily recite an Office approved by the Church in addition to praying the rosary and the prayers of the Tessera daily.
If you want to enjoy life and fulfill your mission I personally encourage you to be a part of Legion of Mary. You can ask your parish office for this organization.
Go and preach the Gospel......

July 14, 2009

Our Lady of Fatima

Here are some brief story and messages of Mother Mary. The Lady of Fatima is one of the apparition approved by the Church and the message of of the blessed mother is quite meaningful for those who belief in his Son.

On May 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared to the three shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, in the little village of Fatima, Portugal. Our Lady requested that the children come on the thirteenth of each month at the same hour and that in the month of October she would tell them who she is and what she wanted them to do. Our Lady appeared a total of six times Her message from God was for every man, woman, and child of our century.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared 6 times to 3 shepherd children Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta; between May 13 and October 13, 1917. She came to the little village of Fatima which had remained faithful to the Catholic Faith during the recent persecutions by the government. Our Lady came with a message from God to every man, woman, and child of our century. Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and that many souls would go to Heaven if Her requests were listened to and obeyed. She told us that war is a punishment for sin; that God would punish the world for its sins in our time by means of war, hunger, persecution of the Church and persecution of the Holy Father, the Pope, unless we listened to and obeyed the command of God.

On one of his visits to Fatima, Pope John Paul II said,"the message of Fatima is more relevant and more urgent" than when Our Lady first appeared. The message is an anguished appeal of Our Heavenly Mother, Who sees us in great danger and Who comes to offer Her help and advice. Her message is also a prophecy, a clear indication of what was about to transpire in the 20th century, and what is still going to happen infallibly in the near future, depending on our response to Her requests.

Our Lady came with a message from God to every man, woman, and child of our century. Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and that many souls would go to Heaven if Her requests were listened to and obeyed.

The blessed mother requested us to pray for all the soul in porgatoryto saved all soul into hell. The peace she promise is the everlasting peace, a peace difficult to find on Earth but still possible if all of us will work for it.

Let us always pray the Rosary and for World peace toavoid conflict in religion and in interest.

July 13, 2009

Image of Mary in the Stomach of Turtle

An 81-year-old woman in Chicago said the image of the image of the Virgin Mary appeared to her on the stomach of a turtle, according to the local 6 News report. Shirley McVane said that the image mysteriously appeared on the sand turle given to her by a family member. McVane said that she the turtles for about a year and the image is plane to see. " I told some of our friends,you know I've got a turtle and I said it has the image of the Virgin Maryon it, and I said its getting plainer and plainer", McVane said.
Getting a close look you'll see the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in this picture. Either we believe this or not there message in every apparition of our blessed mother, "always pray for us".
Theres a lot of miracle and apparition either approved by the church or not either true or some say it is just an illusion. The message is stil there, Mother Mary always remind us. To be the instrument of love and the messenger of God.
Let us always remember this as an awakening for us to start praying and forgiviness. Start with ourself. " Love one another as jesus loves you".

Hapag ng Pag-asa (Table of Hope)

We are all familiar with the painting of Leonardo da Vinci's " Last Suffer". Now the a timely version of Last Suffer was painted by Filipino artist Joey Velasco. Here Joey replace the characther of the apostols with the street children.

For me this painting is a calling for every individual that this is the best time to show how we care for the youth, the next leader of our nation. All of us have a responsibility to our neighbor as the bible tell us " ...love one another..."

Street children is now one of the worst problem not only in the Philippines but worldwide. The number of street children grow everyday as we suffer the world financial crisis.

The painting of Joey Velasco is an awakening for everyone that we can do something to save the street children. we can give hope and love to those unfortunate people by sharing our time and money. Hand in hand we can help them, start with a very small amount to donate into the charity. Imagine if 12 million Filipinos donate P1 everyday how much it is in one week?

Big things start from small beggining.

July 12, 2009

Best Book of All Time

Did you know what is the best book of all time? Yes, it is!!! The Bible! The bible is the best book of all time. The book was written long time ago. It became translate in so many languages and version for us to easily understand the context.

From the creation of humanity to salvation and up to present day the message will found in the Bible. This book has a lot of author contribute each other to compile one best book the Earth ever had. The content of the book was made for all special people like you and me.

Every word was so inspiring and powerful to caught your attention. The bible is the most powerful book that give us message everyday. Change our lifestyle and make us feel very comfortable.

The magic of this book is created because the Lord our God is a loving God and always send message of love to us veryday.

July 11, 2009

My devotion

One of the most popular devotion for Catholic. The mystery of our faith and salvation was the highlight of every mystery of the Rosary. Rosary for me is simply define as a two root word Rose and Mary. It is the bouquet of prayer that the blessed mother was requested to recite and be a devotees of the Holy rosary.