July 13, 2009

Image of Mary in the Stomach of Turtle

An 81-year-old woman in Chicago said the image of the image of the Virgin Mary appeared to her on the stomach of a turtle, according to the local 6 News report. Shirley McVane said that the image mysteriously appeared on the sand turle given to her by a family member. McVane said that she the turtles for about a year and the image is plane to see. " I told some of our friends,you know I've got a turtle and I said it has the image of the Virgin Maryon it, and I said its getting plainer and plainer", McVane said.
Getting a close look you'll see the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in this picture. Either we believe this or not there message in every apparition of our blessed mother, "always pray for us".
Theres a lot of miracle and apparition either approved by the church or not either true or some say it is just an illusion. The message is stil there, Mother Mary always remind us. To be the instrument of love and the messenger of God.
Let us always remember this as an awakening for us to start praying and forgiviness. Start with ourself. " Love one another as jesus loves you".

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Mary appears in the most unexpected places. Like in our lives, God make His presence felt in the most unusual ways and in the perfect time that we need Him.
